mardi 15 juin 2010

Quoi faire quand y pleut? What to do on a rainy day?

L'ecole est fini.. l'ete est sur le point d'etre officielement de retour donc ca veut dire qu'on skate all day every day! Mais c'est sur que mere nature n'est pas parfaite et de temps en temps il y a des journée de pluie.. donc moi jai une super suggestion pour passé le temps quand on trouve que le temps passe pas vite! DES DVDS DE SAKTE! On viens d'avoir en stock le film FUN de powell et IMAGINE le dernier de DIGITAL ainsi que THE BEGINING, SUFFER THE JOY et GOOD & EVIL!

School is almost finished...summer is just about to officially make it's entrance in 2010 and all that I know is that it means we skate all day everyday (OK.. if you work like I do.. maybe not all day). Although we all know mother nature is not perfect and tends to play mind games with us at her free will and that means rainy days are inevitable. Yeah rainy days suck... so thats why skate videos exist right! we just got in FUN from Powel and IMAGINE the latest video from DIGITAL as well as GOOD & EVIL, SUFFER THE JOY, and The Begining.

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